
with representatives of the European Union and the United States


According to the Farhat news agency, sources is the Taliban’s political bureau reported that the group’s leadership had met with EU and US leaders.

Mohammad Naeem, the Taliban’s political spokesman in Qatar, said: “Yesterday evening, Maulvi Abdul Salam Hanifi, the deputy head of the Taliban’s political bureau, met with representatives of the United States, UNAMA and Qatar via video conference.

This conference, hosted by Italian Special Representative Giancoptazole, was attended by representatives of Germany, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Qatar, UNAMA, and a NATO civilian representative.

Dr. Naeem, the Taliban’s political spokesman in Qatar, said: “At the beginning of the online meeting, the political deputy of the Islamic Emirate spoke about the current situation in Afghanistan and the peace talks, noting the strong military position in Afghanistan, but called peace talks the first requirement.

The political deputy of this group adds that peace talks are our priority and we do not lease anyone to interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan and vice versa. And the Islamic Emirate has no foreign agenda.

He emphasis Afghanistan is the common home of all Afghans and we will not allow any individual or group to use its territory militarily against other countries,

Naeem added that Mr. Hanifi, in his speech, said: “The Islamic Emirate does not want a monopoly of power and in Afghanistan, everyone must participate in the reconstruction, and maintenance of their security.

He also called on the international community to play an active role in Afghanistan.

The group’s political spokesman claims, quoting the Taliban political deputy, that the joining of at least 200 districts across Afghanistan shows the immediate the support of people is from Islamic Emirate.

The Islamic Emirate adheres to the laws of human rights, women’s rights, education and interaction with the world in the light of Islamic law.

In this Session Prisoners, refugees, blacklists and other issues in Afghanistan were discussed at the meeting.

Basit Azizi
Farhat News / Kabul